Dusting something you don’t love?

While the store was closed last spring, we had a chance to spend more time at home – especially during daylight hours!  One afternoon while sitting on the couch, I was staring at a bookcase across the room.  I realized that I hadn't touched anything in that bookcase for years.  My kids' graduation pictures were in it.  They've both been out of high school for over ten years.  I had hardback books that I had read eons ago shoved on the shelves and knick-knacks that I couldn't even remember receiving.  Almost everything in that bookcase meant nothing to me.  So why was I wasting energy dusting something every week when I didn't even care about it?  That afternoon, I decided to start making some changes.  Out went the entire bookcase.  And in its place is wall art that I look at every day and ENJOY.    Do you have a bookcase, shelves, or a room that just isn't working anymore?  I can help.  Just give me a call.


Home needs to feel good


I already have too many things…..