I already have too many things…..
While people are browsing the store, they frequently tell me, "I love this, but I don't need anything else in my house." While I understand that you may have too many things in your house, I always ask the question, "How long have they been there? Do you still love them? Or, have you just gotten used to looking at them?"
I've been in people's homes where nothing has changed in 20 years. If you still love it, that's awesome. But, if you've just gotten used to looking at things the way they are, maybe it's time to freshen things up. Are your lifestyle and the things you enjoy doing the same as they were 20 years ago? Probably not. So why not let your home reflect the YOU of TODAY.
Whether you choose to change a few little things or are ready for a makeover, I can help. Just give me a call.